2D6 Dungeon is set in its own fantasy world, called Coradine. It is a land where the people have a longstanding peace, war seemingly forgotten, and the regions and realms respect a unified sovereignty. But beneath this shroud of peace is a turbulent underworld; a dark realm that is riddled with dungeons and underground chambers where monsters hide away guarding their treasure, and organised groups of bandits and brigands form plans to raid the settlements above.
Although Coradine features some of the classic fantasy heritages, it also has new unique ones, some twisted by their time in the darkness, others warped by their desire to break the harmony above. Parties and adventurers play their part in ridding the world of these terrors by venturing forth into the dungeons that litter the land. Those found in the dungeon realm are evil and will try to destroy those who dare to enter.
The hardback edition combines both the Core Rule book and the Codex in one hardback book. Digital PDF included.
What Else You Need to Play
As well as the Core Rules book, the Tables Codex book, you will need 2 different-coloured six-sided dice, an additional 2 six-sided dice, a pencil, and a dot grid sheet to draw the map on (see rear of the book).
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